Endowed Library Funds G-J
The generous support of the following endowed funds enables the Bryn Mawr College Libraries to purchase materials in support of the teaching and research mission of the College.
- Sarah Hunter Gerdine Fund for Periodicals
- Susan Brandeis Gilbert Fund
- Arthur L. Goodhart Fund for Library
- Howard Lehman Goodhart Memorial Fund
- Howard L. Gray History Book Fund
- Cecil Dudley Gregg Memorial Fund
- Jessie Howard Gregg Fund
- Dorothy Grant Hammond Library Fund
- Margaret Gair Harper Library Fund
- Anne-Lindsey White Harper 1914 and Eleanor Washburn Emery 1914
- Alice Martin Hawkins Fund
- Joseph and Gertrude Silverman Heimowitz Library Fund
- Susan Follansbee Hibbard Memorial Book Fund
- Helen Strong Hoyt Library Fund
- Agi Jambor Library Fund
- Henrietta C. Jennings Endowment Fund for Library Development
- Johnson Alumnae Association Book Fund
- Jones Fund for Books and Periodicals in the Humanities
Endowed Library Funds

Sarah Hunter Gerdine Fund for Periodicals
View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased, beginning with fiscal year 2003.
Designated for the purchase of periodicals for the general collection. Established by Marion Bierwirth, Class of 1947, and husband John, in honor of her aunt, Sarah Hunter Gerdine.
A lifelong resident of Athens, Georgia, Ms. Gerdine's father, "owned an extensive private library, which he shared with … the entire Athens community, who were free to borrow books from his collection." The Gerdine Fund will serve as a lasting tribute to her love of books and learning."

Arthur L. Goodhart Fund for Library

Howard Lehman Goodhart Memorial Fund
Designated for the purchase of books and manuscripts printed or written before 1600 and appropriate for the Marjorie Walter Goodhart Medieval Library.
Established by a gift from John D. Gordan, Jr. on occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his graduation from Harvard University) in memory of his father-in-law Howard Lehman Goodhart.

Cecil Dudley Gregg Memorial Fund
Designated for the purchase of books in Chemistry and Physics.
Established by an initial gift from Marian Gregg King (Mrs. Clarence H. King), Class of 1920, in memory of her father, Cecil W. Gregg. Marian Gregg King also established a fund in memory of her mother, the Jessie Howard Gregg Fund. She died in 1989.

Jessie Howard Gregg Fund
Designated for the purchase of materials in French.
Established by a gift from Marian Gregg Tichvinsky, Class of 1920, in memory of her mother, Jessie Howard Gregg. Marion Gregg Tichvinsky also established the Cecil Dudley Gregg Memorial Fund in memory of her father. Marian Gregg Tichvinsky died in 1989.

Anne-Lindsey White Harper 1914 and Eleanor Washburn Emery 1914 Book Fund
View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased, beginning with fiscal year 2003.
Designated for the purchase of books in English Literature and History of Art.
Established by a gift from Eleanor Emery Harper, Class of 1940, and her husband, Paul C. Harper, in memory of their mothers, both members of the Class of 1914.

Joseph and Gertrude Silverman Heimowitz Library Fund
View a cumulative list of individual titles purchased, beginning with fiscal year 2003.
Designated for the purchase of general library materials, with a preference for reference materials.
Established by a gift of Julia Heimowitz Greenbaun, Class of 1955, in memory of her parents and in honor of her 40th Reunion.

Susan Follansbee Hibbard Memorial Book Fund
Designated for the purchase of materials for the general collection, with a preference for those in German.
Established at the bequest of Aimee G.L. McKenzie, Class of 1897, "in happy recognition of her beloved friend and classmate Susan Follansbee Hibbard." Both Susan Follansbee Hibbard's and Aimee G.L. McKenzie's major subjects were Latin and German.

Johnson Alumnae Association Book Fund

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